petak, 2. siječnja 2015.




 With   new hairstyle I'm looking in my  husband.- 

„I raise my glass for year 2014 which gave us
 so much and  so many.“

Bell on the door remind me that we have guests this afternoon.
My divorce friend  Satka visit us with her son  Cavin and his new girlfriend Babette.

After few minutes and glass of juice vine, Babette acting like married  women.

Satka was so upset that she ate six cookies.

„I'm in love Mum!“-Babette was crawled on Cavin.

„Cheers!“  -Satka raise cop with green tea and give a look ful of irony.

„Please, just without tears!“  – I accepted the game.

„But Why?“ – Babette wrinkled lips.

„Because man's don't cry.“-Cavin proudly said.

„O, poore man, crying is good!“ –Babette hugged Cavin and give Satka reproving look.

„ Yea, especially when you meet   your new mother!“ –Satka heatid up.

I don't feel comfortable in role of hostage.

 „Don't want to bother, but I need a shower and rest.“-I kindly request.

Anyway, after our guests finally  decided to go home, or whatever, my darling and me have a nice dinner without tea.

Just nice soup fulfill with vegetables... and a good movie...

Brilliant John Malkovich is russian Grandfather. Interesting scene is part when grandpa teaching kids that you can lose your money, you can lose your friends, you can lose your property, but you can't lose your dignity.

Hostage - wikipedia

A hostage is a person or entity which is held by one of two belligerent parties to the other or seized as security for the carrying out of an agreement, or as a preventive measure against war. However, in contemporary usage, it means someone who is seized by a criminal abductor in order to compel another party such as a relative, employer, law enforcement, or government to act, or refrain from acting, in a particular way, often under threat of serious physical harm to the hostage(s) after expiration of an ultimatum.
A person who seizes one or more hostages is known as a hostage-taker; if the hostages are present voluntarily, then the receiver is known as a host.

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